Wednesday, 4 August 2010

FREE WORKSHOP - Financing Energy Efficiency in University Data Centres and IT Activities

Wednesday 8th September 2010
Woburn House, London
Rising prices, carbon regulation, and sector targets are all making universities and colleges pay greater attention to their IT energy consumption and carbon emissions. Many low-medium payback measures are possible, but are often blocked by a lack of funding or incentives amongst users. Several solutions are now emerging. Energy costs can be devolved to entire departments or for easily metered activities, such as data centres. Alternatively, Estates can still pay energy bills, but share a proportion of any cost increases or falls from an agreed baseline. An energy can also be used to finance energy efficient equipment, covering either the whole cost (as with Salix schemes), or the price premium for high performance models.
Multifunctional devices (combined 4 functions in one machine printer, photocopier, scanner, and fax) have oblivious cost saving on machines, office space, networking and capital. However they (and the printroom) still consume power and even at auto power down, will be consuming energy that contributes to the whole university’s carbon footprint. Monitoring, control and assignment is needed to raise awareness and control carbon and cost in all HEIs.
This workshop will explore these topics and provide an opportunity for estates, finance, and IT staff to acquire new information, and share experiences and thinking. It is a joint initiative of two JISC efficiency fund financed projects - Responsible Energy Costs, led by Forum for the Future and the University of Gloucestershire, and Greening Scientific Computing, led by HEEPI’s SusteIT project.

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