Monday, 4 April 2011

Tips from Purbooks Print & Design

Purbrooks Print & Design have both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.  Purbrooks offer these tips to become greener in their free spring 2011 "Inform" publication.

• Specify environmentally-friendly paper – preferably recycled or mixed sources and FSC accredited.

• Use white paper, but only as white as is needed – less bleaching required.

• Avoid tinted or brightly coloured stocks as these materials cannot be recycled easily. Equally, coated paper is not as easily recycled as uncoated.

• Design for minimal ink coverage and minimise bleed off the page.
Using fewer printing colours makes a job less complex and may save on energy costs.

• Use a lighter weight of paper stock – it saves resources, may use a lot less energy to produce and can give you substantial savings on postage and distribution costs.

• Avoid processes such as lamination and spot UV which make the finished product difficult to recycle and are costly in terms of energy and materials. Try our in-line coating and spot machine varnishes as alternatives.

• Avoid perfect binding for smaller documents, as the glue used makes recycling more difficult.

Purbrook's Corporate Social Responsibility Statement 

1 comment:

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